14 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

    1. The guy had a few other things on the curb along with the chair. The other stuff eventually got taken. [I love the idea of ‘chair rescue’ BTW; oh the stories those seats could tell…]

    1. Curbside shopping has lots of appeal. I remember people (dealers even) would cruise posh neighbourhoods for the ‘good’ stuff. I’d like to think the tradition continues…

  1. Is it from watching too many cartoons as a kid that I expect this chair to just lift itself up and wander down the street in search of a new owner? :) I do wonder, when I see older furniture, what things it’s seen and what stories it could tell. Carin, you have such a great eye for the extraordinary in the ordinary. Great WW.

    1. I love how the covers for the arm-rests are included in the deal. This being the secret to its longevity, perhaps…

      p.s. How many cartoons did you watch???

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